Friday, October 23, 2009

Taiwan Zhu Ni clay - 台灣朱泥

Yeah, this one that Arthur uses to brew “Oriental Beauty” tea only.

Cool .... Teapot

Tea Ware: Taiwan Zhu Ni clay

器具: 台灣泥薄胎壶

Sunday, October 18, 2009

YiBang Mountain - 倚邦山(象樹)

This totally difference from the other 2 in my previous blog. Although its show still in fermentation and you and enjoy the tea now. It's smooth in the mouth yet also active and it cover the whole mouth and long lasting though the throat even the first brew. Beside that, hui gan also strong as well.

Well, when the price still low and affordable, buy and keep it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

YiBang Mountain - 倚邦山 (陈遠號)

This got from TI few years back. This tea is stable and smooth. Second brew I can taste the cha yun on my tongue and smooth to my throat. Beside that, I can feel the after taste is good and keep in my mouth sometime. Good, I went back to TI, wah still got but…. … price tag RM500. Em… why don’t I buy more previously leh???

Tea: Yibang mountain ‘2003
茶目:倚邦山 (陈遠號) ‘2003

YiBang Mountain - 倚邦山(杨聘號)

This tea previously got from David Tan from Sri Petaling. The character totally change, the taste not really impress me because it can’t hit to my throat deeply and not really very smooth. Em… still got 4 cakes/Disc in my stock.

I also found same mountain with other brand and brew with the same teapot and will post it later.

Tea: Yibang mountain ‘2004
茶目:倚邦山 (杨聘號) ‘2004

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nánnuò mountain ~ 南糯山 (象樹)

I’ve tried this few times with difference pot and not really impress me because the taste just passes over and not hit to the throat. Got a bit of bitterness and some smoke taste…

For this brand (樹), I still prefer Yi Bang mountain, 2006 (倚邦山). Will post it later, I’m comparing with other.

Tea: Nánnuò mountain ‘2006
茶目:南糯山 (樹) ‘2006


When I think back, my first step to tea shop in Kuala Lumpur will be at Evergreen Tea Art Centre SDN BHD.

Here one of the puer tea that brought sometime ago from Evergreen…

Xiaguan Puer Tea Brick, year really not sure cause last time where got ask which year… It’s really hard and really need to use “Puer knife” to cut it out. Cool… Taste is good, got hui gan and still got some smoke taste, this may be it’s really hard and need to keep another year. Overall is good, and after taste is good as well.

Wah.. Really hard!!! Er!!!

My Puer Knife :P

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oriental Beauty ~ 东方美人茶

This Arthur favors tea. He uses a special teapot and I’m looking forward to request the teapot for me to capture numbers of photo and post to my blog for sharing.

If not mistaken, I’m manage to enjoy this tea twice only. Thanks to Arthur!!! Taste… Fruity + Honey flavor. As know that not many people try this and also very hard to get in Malaysia. As from photo know that it’s not cheap as well. Finally manage to find some information from internet as capture below:

This Wikipedia from “Pink Tea Leaf”:

東方美人茶,又名膨風茶、椪風茶、舊稱番莊烏龍,客家人亦稱其為「冰風茶」「煙風茶」,又因其茶芽白毫顯著,又名為白毫烏龍茶。是半發酵青茶中,發酵程度 最重的茶品。台灣茶葉改良場公佈的發酵度為60%,新竹苗栗地區茶農所製的發酵度則多達75-85%,使兒茶素幾乎一半以上半氧化,故不會產生任何「生菁 臭」、「臭菁味」,且不苦不澀。主要產地在台灣的新竹、苗栗一帶。適合製作東方美人茶的茶種有「青心大有」、「白毛猴」、「台茶15號」、「台茶17 號」,其中以「白毛猴」品質最佳。如今,東方美人茶的採收必須在炎夏六、七月,農曆芒種至大暑間,即端午節前後10天,茶樹嫩芽經茶小綠葉蟬(浮塵子) 食後長成之茶芽,稱為「著涎」的茶菁,茶葉品質的好壞決定在「著涎」的程度。經手工採摘一心二葉,再以傳統技術精製而成高級烏龍茶,製茶過程的特點是:炒 菁後,需多一道以布包裹,置入竹簍或鐵桶內的靜置回潤或稱回軟的二度發酵程序,再進行揉捻、解塊、烘乾而製成毛茶。再經分級、精製焙火、包裝。茶葉白毫肥 大,葉身呈白、綠、黃、紅、褐五色相間,鮮豔可愛,有濃濃的果香或是蜂蜜香,西方飲茶人士譽之為東方美人。

* 東方美人茶原稱膨風茶(「膨風」是臺灣俚語「吹牛」之意),相傳早期有一茶農因茶園受蟲害侵食,不甘損失,乃挑至城中販售,沒想到竟因風味特殊而大受歡迎,回鄉後向鄉人提及此事,竟被指為吹牛,從此膨風茶之名不脛而走。
* 一說是戰後初期曾任新竹縣北埔鄉長的姜阿新,在日治時期參加茶展,其參展的茶葉被當時的台灣總督府以一擔(100斤)2000日圓高價收購,消息傳回北埔 村,被地方人士斥為「膨風」,後經報紙披露證實,膨風茶之名才傳遍千里,流傳至今。後又被文人雅士改稱為椪風茶
* 又相傳百年前,英國茶商將膨風茶呈獻英國維多利亞女王,由於沖泡後,其外觀艷麗,猶如絕色美人漫舞在水晶杯中,品嚐後,女王讚不絕口而賜名「東方美人」
* 或傳說是1960年左右,膨風茶在英國舉辦的世界食物博覽會上得銀牌獎,而獻給英國女王伊麗莎白二世品嚐。女王品嚐後,讚不絕口,賜名「東方美人茶」。
* 又早期膨風茶的毛茶運抵大稻埕茶棧,出口前,需在「番莊館」再經過一道烘焙與揀茶的精製過程,故舊稱為「番莊烏龍」。
* 又據說,如在膨風茶的茶湯內加一滴「白蘭地酒」,風味更佳,深受歐美人士喜愛,而被稱為「香檳烏龍」。
* 東方美人亦有福壽茶之稱,傳為謝前副總統東閔先生所命名。

灣現有新竹縣苗栗縣及台北縣坪林石碇兩大東方美人茶產區,包裝上的名稱各地不同。產於新竹縣北埔鄉,名「[膨風茶]」或「[椪風茶]」;產於新竹縣峨嵋 鄉,名「東方美人茶」;產於苗栗縣頭傷鄉、三灣鄉,則沿用舊稱「番莊烏龍」;石碇地區則以「石碇美人茶」或「文山椪風茶」做為對外推廣的名稱;坪林產區自 古則稱為「紅茶」,當然這邊指的還是東方美人茶。 茶種方面,新竹及苗栗產區以「青心大有」為主要生產茶種,坪林石碇則以「青心烏龍」為主,輔以少量的「白毛猴」。

This Higher grade: